Friday, December 12, 2014

My future vision

My future hopes, dreams, desires. Designed by Jesus A ©2014
          My future will contain many plans that I hope to accomplish. It will take a lot of struggle but I know I will accomplish them if I keep working hard. For my future career I hope to be a dentist. I know many people do not like them, but it is for their own good helping them. Once I am a dentist and working in a dentistry, I will save up enough money to open up my own business. It will be a family ran business selling merchandise. So I can just be relaxing and running the business, knowing that there will be no problems since we are all family and get along with one another. Like I was saying I will first have to become a dentist and be successful in that and get a job that pays good. You can find some good dentists here.

        For some people happiness is determined by a present or money. Different people have different meanings of happiness, the only thing that they have in similarity is that they will be happy.For me happiness if defined by doing or watching something that you like to do. Thats why in my vision screensaver I put Messi and Barcelona, because they are both things I like watching. Although Messi plays for Barcelona, when he is on national duty at Argentina, I still have happiness watching him play. To me he is considered the best player in the world that is why I have happiness watching him play. Another thing that is happiness to me is watching Ronaldinho play. He isn't at his best anymore but is still a phenomenal player. Happiness means a lot to everyone without it the world would be sad and gloomy. It is a key factor to everyone enjoying life.

          Another, one of my future visions is to attend a four year college. The knowledge I will be getting there will be life long. My hope is to attend UCSD. It is located in San Diego, and know for being a good college. There like I said earlier in this essay I will become a Dentist. Becoming a dentist will be a life long happiness, that will forever be with me. I will be the 3rd in my family to attend a college. I plan on earning more than minimum wage, no one would like to be working hard and getting paid the minimum for their work. I hope I will be making a lot of money and not working hard but working smarter than those with a minimum wage job would be doing.

        When I am old and grey, my hope is that I will be successful and my future visions actually come true. Hopefully they come true and it is not something that I am just dreaming of. But to fulfill my future visions I would have to become a dentist, be happy all the time, and attend UCSD. All those visions will take a lot of work and dedication but I know I can make those visions happen.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The World Would Be A Better Place If.....

PTSA, The world would be a better place if... competition

 The message is that people should free their thoughts. Also that they should not hold in their opinions. Just let them flow out of your mind and mouth. Of course you have to think about what you are saying before you say it.

  I created it by gathering a couple images. Thinking of a good description to go with the photo.
The tutorial that inspired me to apply the style to my project is found here 
It helped me do the mask on the picture and box.

Thoughts outside the Galaxy